Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Interview on

Interview by T.TOLI from

Nicole Little holds many titles, daughter, friend, sister and now is adding published author to her list. Check out how she is keeping up ………….

What is the name and title of your debut book ?

Heartfelt: A Collection of Poems by Nicole D. Little and Lora R. McLeod

What inspired you to create a book of poems?

I have always loved to write. That's why I chose Journalism as a major at Hampton University. In High School I entered writing contests and wrote for my school newspaper. This book started from fun and leisure. Then as I continued to write I wanted to do a book about real life and the things that human beings experience or witness. I actually was inspired by a lady from my church who quit her corporate job at Merrill Lynch to write books and start her own publishing company. While speaking to her one day she said, "If you want to accomplish something in life, accomplish it now. Don't wait until you are 30 and 40 years old." Her words woke me up and inspired me. From that day forward I decided that I wanted to publish a book and I wasn't going to wait.

This book was created with you and your mom. How was that and how did the idea come about?

Well basically I told her that I wanted to publish a book and she wanted to get on board. Since she is my mother I couldn't tell her no. I'm only joking but anyway she writes great and her poems are really deep. I thought that it would be a great idea to have my mother write a couple of poems for my first book.

What type of relationship do you and your mom have?

We have always had a close mother/daughter relationship. She has always been my #1 supporter in all that I have done. She's not only my mother but I consider her to be my best friend. She keeps me grounded and when I get off track in life she is the one person who can get me back on track.

What is the message you want readers to get after reading the poems?

The message is that we all go through things in life and we all have to overcome obstacles. At 23 years old I have witnessed a lot. There is a lot that I haven't witnessed but there is a lot that I have witnessed. I just wanted people to know that they are not alone in this crazy world and there is always room for change in your life. There is always room to gain knowledge and learn not only from others but from yourself. Actually the greatest teacher on this earth will be YOU and the experiences YOU go through.

What is your favorite poem? Why?

Awww man I have a lot. This is a hard question. So, I will name the ones I really like. Diva Gals, When He Cheated, When She Cheated, and Just Be. I actually like Diva Gals the most because it's a poem for the ladies. Its a poem honoring all my Divas. Divas just don't dress nice or look nice but they are educated and hard working women. I also love a couple that my mother wrote. Here they are: Why Wont You Listen?, Can't You Hear?, My Nieces My Queens, and The Beautiful Women in our Family.

What are a few of your dreams, aspirations or goals?

Well, this will not be my only book for sure. I would like to do another book of poems within the next 2 years. I would also like to write a couple of novels down the road. My main goal is to write for a major magazine within the music/fashion industry and maybe one day creating a magazine of my own.The sky is the limit and I will make sure that everyday counts. Thanks so much for the love and support!!! You can find my book and make a purchase at, or

Friday, March 13, 2009

Omar Tyree and Heartfelt: A Collection of Poems

Happy Friday everyone!!! I hope everyone has had a blessed and productive week amidst the recession that America is experiencing. Just know that you are still blessed!!! Anyway i recently had the pleasure of asking one of my favorite authors Omar Tyree some advise on book publishing and ways of promoting and selling books. His advise to me was the following:

My Question:

What advice would you give to a self-published author looking to get a book deal from a major publishing company? What are some steps that a self-published author needs to take to position his or herself for a book deal?

Omar Tyree's Answer:

"When I was picked up for my first, historical 2-book deal with Simon & Schuster, it was because I had already sold 25,000 books on my own, which represented more than $250,000 generated in the publishing industry with my name attached to it....The Equation for success in any business is the accumulation of Green SUPPORT! You must have it in order to survive and to move forward. And once you have shown that you can indeed gather a large number of supporters for your work, you will have no problem getting a major publishing house to sit down at the deal table and talk serious numbers with you."

So i guess in order for me to get a major publishing deal i have to SELL BOOKS!!!! So i'm ginding you'll...Grindinnnnnnnnggggggg!!!! You can see Omar Tyree's full blog on Until next week be safe you'll!!!

Updated News: South Plainfield Observer has published an article about Heartfelt: A Collection of Poems by Nicole D. Little and Lora R. McLeod in the March 13th issue! God is good even in a recession!!!!!!!! Love you all!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Update on Book!!!

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to stop by to give a brief update on my book Heartfelt: A Collection of Poems by Nicole D. Little and Lora R. McLeod. I give all the honor to god. Without him none of this would be possible.

Book Status:
  1. First Book Signing- February 28, 2009
  2. Published Article on March 11, 2009
  3. South Plainfield Observer-Milestone Announcement being published
  4. First Interview- Katz Media on March 11, 2009
  5. Barnes and Noble Book Signing-TBD
  6. Booking Signing at The Cathedral International- TDB